Munich, Germany

After check-in and dinner it was into town for a walkabout and beer. The =
others did not feel like going out so I hooked up with some crazy Aussies: =
Virginia (Regie), Robin, Anna and Sandy. There was also Lindsy from =

Lindsy and I did some window shopping while the others headed towards the =
beer. Almost all the cities we have visited have pedestrian sections lined =
with shops that stay open till 7 sometimes 8pm. We went into Saturn. They =
have 3 floors of electronic devices! They have isles where you can play =
with all the latest phones, PDA’s, GPS’s and MP3 players. It’s a Geek =
paradise 🙂

We ran into some idiots who thought it was funny to throw a huge cracker =
under my feet. It pissed me off, but I left it at that.

We then headed towards the H=C3=B6fbrau Haus were we hooked up with the =
Aussies. They were sharing a table with a young German couple and a old =
lady they dubbed Nanna. It turns out she is a regular and visits every =
second night. She even has a special VIP card. We ordered the 1l mug. It =
went down like a homesick mole! The German couple had a bottle of a vodka =
based drink which got passed my way, tasty. After lots of prosting we =
climed into the second round. We sat next to the oompa band. Once in a =
while they would hit a croud pleaser and everyone would break out in =

There were some Asian tourists who wandered in, cameras clicking away, so I =
beconed the one over to hand me the camera to take a picture of her. She =
was quite excited about it so I passed her my beer which really delighted =
her. She was laughing after checking the picture 🙂

There were some men with funny hats walking around. The girls flagged them =
stole their hats and took pictures of themselves wearing the loot.

What a great night of fun.